Evaluation and Referral Process


Être bilingue, c'est gagnant!
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Within its mission “to instruct, to socialize, and to qualify”, the ¸£ÀûÌìÌà is committed to providing educational services that will encourage every student to strive to fulfill his/her full potential.

The organization of such educational services shall be based on the individual evaluation of the abilities and needs of the students and on the available human and financial resources of the Board.

I have just registered my child as a new ¸£ÀûÌìÌà student.

Informing the School & Evaluation
Parents have the primary responsibility for their children, and therefore have an important role to play in their children’s education. Parents with children new to the Board shall apply for admission to the school in conformity with the of the Board. If the student, about to be enrolled, has had any previous special education intervention and/or has been diagnosed by a professional(s) as having special needs, the parent is strongly encouraged to share this pertinent information with the school principal. The parent will have to provide either written copies of pertinent reports or written consent for the release of such information from outside parties in accordance with the procedures in effect in the Student Services Department. The principal shall then collect this information concerning the child’s development and forward the file to the designated school professional (usually the psychologist or guidance counsellor). 

The designated professional will examine all available data (academic, medical, speech and language, behavioural, social, psychological, etc.) and may recommend, to the principal and the parents, a further evaluation. Subsequently, a case conference will be held to discuss the student in question. 

Case Conference & Determination of Services
A case conference, held within the context of the ad hoc committee, shall include the school principal, the teacher(s), the parent, the student (if able to participate), the designated school professional, the special education consultant and any other Student Services Department staff members and/or external professionals as deemed appropriate for the purpose of determining the services (based on available financial resources) required for the student, the appropriate code (if applicable), and the recommended school placement. Subsequently, the principal of the school which the student will attend shall ensure that an IEP is established for the student in question. The coding process, if applicable, will take place in accordance with the guidelines and the procedures in effect in the Student Services Department. 

In meeting our commitment for students with special needs, the integration of these students in regular classes in a setting as close as possible to their place of residence is optimal. However, if integration is not deemed appropriate to effectively meet the needs of a student, then an alternate educational setting shall be recommended, always taking into account the best interest of the student.

My child is currently attending an ¸£ÀûÌìÌà school.

Identification & Support
Any difficulties experienced by students are to be addressed by the teacher who shall incorporate adapted strategies and preventative approaches as part of regular classroom instruction while discussing his/her concerns with the student’s parents and, as necessary, with other teachers, the resource teacher, the school principal, professionals, etc. Thus, support services shall be provided to the student as soon as he/she appears to be at risk. Parents may also signal to the teacher concerns they have about their child. 

Referral & Recommendations
If the student’s difficulties persist and/or the situation deteriorates resulting in the teacher signalling to the principal the case of a student with a possible learning disability, social maladjustment, or handicap, then the principal shall bring the case to the attention of the ad hoc committee. Prior to the ad hoc committee meeting, the teacher shall submit written documentation to the principal which shall include a description of the presenting problem(s) as well as the steps/interventions undertaken to address the problem(s). 

Recommendations of the ad hoc committee might lead to:

  • Suggested interventions that could be provided in the classroom, school, community and/or the home. 
  • A referral to a Board professional (i.e. psychologist, guidance counsellor, speech-language pathologist, and occupational therapist) and/or an external professional (e.g. social worker, audiologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, etc.) for an evaluation. In this case, the appropriate Student Services professional shall be involved in the discussion prior to a decision being taken for such an evaluation(s).

In meeting our commitment for students with special needs, the integration of these students in regular classes in a setting as close as possible to their place of residence is optimal. However, if integration is not deemed appropriate to effectively meet the needs of a student, then an alternate educational setting shall be recommended, always taking into account the best interest of the student.